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An excerpt of Maya Adenihun's storytelling project is below. Experience the work in its entirety via the social network platform, 


The platform allowed Maya the opportunity to present daily observations and journal entries as one collection that show a year in the life of a college student.

Excerpt 1: I Never Thought about Them before, September 23

A lot of my suite mates and girls I talk to talk about boys. I realized that I don’t think about them that much (unless it’s about compulsive heterosexuality). Like they talk about how there are no cute guys and about guys they think are hot a lot. And when I think about conversations I’ve had before, I never talk about boys. I never realized how prevalent physical attraction is for people. It reminds me of how my best friend in high school said she could see how I am lesbian because I never talk about boys I think are cute.

Excerpt 2: Small Earths, October 5


Excerpt 3: December 21, Alternate Universe (A Dream I Had)

I’ve been having this reoccurring “middling experience” where I feel like I’m in an alternate universe. Usually I don’t remember them, but this time I did a little bit. I was awake, fully, but then I heard a low blaring siren like *BLAAUUWWWHHHH. Then i sink into my bed. That’s always how they start.


Then the world spins in the swirls that I draw (think Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night). And I felt the presence of angels and demons in my room. It didn’t feel like a dream at all. I was awake and conscious, but the reality of the world around me was breaking. These experiences have happened several times, but they could just be weird middlings between reality and dreams.

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